
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Governments have already told us that many of us are likely to get the Coronavirus (COVID-19). People seriously affected by it, only some.

There is a technique that you can use to help you through this and reduce the time it might take to recover.

To do that Click Here.

What will it be like?

Unfortunately, there is no straight forward answer, it might not be the same for everyone. It could be like a mild flu or like a more severe flu and more painful with muscular aches and pains.

What can we do?

See a GP immediately for testing if you experience flu-like symptoms,  This virus apparently spreads very rapidly and is highly contagious. That we can only reduce the spread of the virus by quickly isolating people and treating them.

It is this which seems to have created confusion and hysteria about the Coronavirus. Responding rapidly is all about reducing the spread, it is not about creating panic.

We need to stay calm. As many have already said on TV and Radio, “we will get through this”.

What a great opportunity to help each other to do just that.

What else can we do?

As a result of working in the counseling and psychotherapy field for more than 12 years. I can tell you that ‘what you think has an effect on your body’, even tiny little cells within your body.

If you don’t believe me, then that’s ok. But perhaps you should listen to the following before making a judgment. Test this out for yourself, it only takes a few minutes to do this.

If what we think in our mind can have an effect on cells within our body then similarly, we can use that to help our body to fight this virus.

To do that Click Here.

Freud taught us the basics of how we can create change in our mind. The most common evidence-based therapy used in Counseling and Psychology today is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).

More from the Government on the coronavirus here.